Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Lord is with Me Always

  • The hero has help from a divine or supernatural forces.

My life is very seldom exciting or interesting, but when I need somebody to lean on God is there for me. He's not just there when I need Him to give me something, but also when I need somebody to talk to when I have no one to turn to. He comforts me when I'm sad and He rejoices when I'm happy. He keeps me going when my world seems like its going to end, and that relationship allows me to grow closer to Him and stronger in Him. For me to grow, I need to learn from my mistakes and he's there to help me along the way. I can trust Him to be there for me to lean on when I'm falling from His grace and I believe that He will always be there when I need Him.

Who am I Really?

  • The hero is special, one of a kind. He/she might represent a whole nation or culture.

I believe that I have a ton of potential to be great. This is just me but, i believe that I am smart and i could be a great leader. Being who I am,I tend to be very bold, and quite loud. (But that usually depends on who I'm around). I usually set myself apart, as God ordained for me to be, I might stay alone for long periods of time or I might just seclude myself by reading. I try my best to stand out agoinst this world of hypocrits, wanna-be's, and trend followers. I tend to make myself 'seem' special, I guess one would say. I try to make it to where people won't forget me, who I was , or what I was like. I often wonder sometimes, 'If I were to disappear who would I have an effect on and also who I wouldn't have an effect on?' Its hard to say whose life I've effected but i really hope its positive!! : ) But on a lighter note alot of people think I'm special, well special both ways if you know what I mean!!! ; )

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Environment that Made Me Who I am Today

  • The hero is born and raised in a rural setting away from cities

In my life I have only the remembrance of living only in mesquite. But I know we moved a few times. My environment in mesquite keeps me grounded. There aren't too many things to get into but there's enough to distract you. My parents played a key role in who I am today, not only because they're my parents but because of the environment they put me in as well. If not not for them I probably wouldn't be the book worm/over-achiever/collegebound nerd/know-it-all I am today. The place we live but also the people in my family that surround me help me to stay focused and they also help me to continue in my journey strong and steadfast.

The Life I Choose to Live

  • The hero must go on a journey, learn a lesson, change in some way, and return home.

My life pertaining to this statement has more to do with my life long walk with Christ. My goal here on earth is based upon the lifestyle that Christ lead. It is my job to live my life and to learn from my mistakes as well as make changes concerning those mistakes. Its easy to quit this life style but when I'm being judged I will be held accountable for my actions, what I did and didn't do, whose life I changed, and also whose life I've ruined. My life in Christ is important to me and this sentence as well as this paragraph give a better insight as to how I choose to live my life.